If you are an ice skater in the greater Tampa Bay area, we would love to have you become a part of Champions Edge Skating club. Please read through the categories to choose the most appropriate one for you and your family.
To obtain a new membership or for membership renewal please click here for the CESC Membership System. We always appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you this coming season!
* If you have any questions please contact our membership chair at membership@cesc.club.
Membership Benefits
Membership year is from July 1- June 30th
USFSA number for competition registration
Priority access for home test sessions
Access to club only activities (parties, banquet, fundraisers)
Includes U.S. Figure Skating membership and a subscription to SKATING Magazine (one per family)**
Coverage under USFS sports accident insurance policy
Champions' Edge Skating Club offers several categories of membership to accommodate all skaters and their families. Please see membership document here or categories below for more details.
Membership Categories
Testing and Competition privileges
Full membership for ages 20 and under, voting rights for ages 18+
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
Subsequent Full
for additional family members (skaters or second adult/parent)
All club privileges with voting rights for 18+
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
Adult (21+)
All club privileges with voting rights
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
Transfer Member
Club transfer fee for member in good standing of pre-existing USFSA registered member from another club
Member of another USFS Club
Skating and Testing privileges
No voting rights
Membership for parent(s)/guardian(s) of a Full Home Club member skater under 18 years.
Parent/guardian is not a skater for this membership category. Includes full membership voting rights. Ideal for parent(s)/guardian(s) of an under 18 member skater who wishes to be members to support CESC and U.S. Figure Skating and participate directly in club governance such as voting, serving on the Board, etc.
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
Must be first time USFS Member
Must be 20 years or under
Voting privileges for ages 18+
All club privileges
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
Collegiate - 4 yrs
For college students only
All club privileges with voting rights for 18+
Scholarship opportunities available.
Must complete 5 volunteer hours*
USFS Coach
For professional coaches
Voting privileges for 18+
15 volunteer hours earns a free banquet ticket
USFS Judge / Official
All club privileges with voting rights
Sponsorship Supporter
Check membership page on Entryze for tiers
* All members must complete 5 volunteer hours between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Volunteer hours for club members under age 18 may be completed by an adult family member. Members who do not meet this requirement must pay $50 by June 30, 2024, to remain in good standing with CESC and USFS. You can prepay the $50 under the “donations” page on EntryEeze. Those who perform 15+ hours of volunteering will receive a free banquet ticket for the season.